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蒙大拿罐头寻找2020 - 回顾前往新一代看到2019年来结束是一个特别令人兴奋的事情。我们不仅是蒙大拿犬的队伍兴奋的事情,而且我们还享​​受了反思和向所有创造者,合作伙伴和支持者致敬的机会,帮助让我们实现的所有创造者,合作伙伴和支持者。结束2019年也加入了我们刚刚结束了十年并开始了新一代。因此,原因,蒙大拿罐头寻找2020被堵塞包装出卓越的内容。现在有限的硬拷贝和数字地在下面的链接中,我们花时间重新审视一些关键时刻,就像蒙大拿州黑艺术家的进展一样,成为DEM和愤怒,最大的蒙大拿队在LA喷雾中可以标志壁画日。我们偷看了搬运工的生活,像商店那样的摇摇晃晃的摇摇晃晃,他在Metropolink的低兄弟们的绘画非常独特。我们花了一些时间在Sobekcis的家中看到世界。我们与如何在巴黎的大道13项目工作时与How&Nosm共同分享了一些词汇。琥珀·瓦特多洛里亚和DMOTE等艺术家让我们进入他们的工作室,分享他们更多的私人作品。 For the more under the radar artworks, we featured some of the works of veterans of steel in the form of the U.S TCI crew and their efforts on the freight trains. While OSMAN flew the European flag for innovative commuter train artwork. And while in Europe (or at least for now still in Europe), we put the magnifying glass on the UK exposing some refreshing approaches to graffiti by VOYDER, 45RPM, and PREF. "Bring The Paint" beeped heavily on the international event radar, bringing world-class graffiti art and muralism together in one space. While far away over the ocean the team at POW! WOW! and the GREETINGS TOUR teams moved from strength to strength making the international art calendar a monumental one. All this and more. With a big THANK YOU we invite you to spend some time and take a look at the Montana-Cans LOOKBOOK 2020. //www.pianorollstuff.com/


迄今为止,在身体和心理上最具挑战性的艺术作品是什么?↓如何和NOSM HN身体总是在柏林奥林匹克体育场的大型建筑,像真正的大建筑很明显,因为它需要很多天,太阳打你,你必须戴着面具和你周围的生命线,这是一个大量的体力劳动。精神上,我不知道(笑)这是我们所做的,我们画画之类的,这是精神上的,不是心理问题或负担,这不是挑战,不是真的。不,这没有挑战性,我们也不是从来没有做过,我们已经做了很长时间,所以我们有自己的套路,我们坚持这个套路,把工作做完。我的意思是,有时可能会有压力,但我不知道这是心理上的挑战还是什么(笑)。MC:从你的画廊作品来看,你似乎对室内艺术创作和室外艺术创作都很适应。你对工作室/画廊工作的想法和你的户外工作有相同的起源吗?你是否尝试或想要以任何方式将它们分开,还是它们都是相同的视觉对话?如果你过多地关注其他艺术家的作品,你的作品就会发生变化,开始变得像其他人的作品。你可以从某些错误中汲取灵感并从中学习,比如建造一堵墙或在工作室里做一些事情。 You applied it on both so. MC Is there any artist or art makers that inspire you guys a lot? Does art from the streets inspire you or is gallery work more engaging for you as viewers? HN There are great artists out there in general, regardless of backgrounds you know, artist graffiti or street art or fine art or anything you know. We have tons of books in the studio from all kind of genres of art you know. I guess that people’s achievements and work effects inspire us you know, when somebody does a lot of great projects you know, it’s like something to you know, just try for, do that too you know. There are too many artists out there to just pick one by now you know. If you look too much at other artists your work will change and starts looking like other people stuff so you don’t want that. It’s not inspiring anymore, it’s gonna influence you. MC We assume your move to NYC in 1999 and your work with the TATS crew must have been a massive step for your careers. But was it a big change for your life quality? Your origins from Spain, Germany and all the countries you have travelled to must have given you a sense of what it means to live somewhere else. What makes living in New York enjoyable for you? HN TATS crew definitely helped us a lot when we moved to New York, one, they gave us work so we could actually support ourselves. We have done tons of tons of projects with them hundreds of videos, I don’t know how many videos, but like ten fifteen videos for like superstar, musicians, we’ve done nationwide campaigns. So as far as the job was, it was very multifaceted and we’ve done quite a lot of that, but at some point it was just too much of the same work and it became less about what our art was looking like but it was more about what the agencies or the people that hired us wanted us to do you know. And at some point, it was 38 Interview HowNOSM IN PARIS

只是几乎绘制数字,画出这个并复制它,它真的很开始忽视你所知道的自己的艺术。就像我们没有发展你知道或者没有作为个体艺术家的发展。但从不少,这是一个很好的经历,我们仍然拥有TATS船员,他们仍然是我们的家人,我们仍然是胡说八道(笑)。即使没有绘画纽约是一个伟大的城市,你所知道的,有很多文化。我的意思是你知道的很棒的艺术,很多人。我的意思是纽约仍然......我们仍然喜欢它,它已经改变了很多,它已经失去了很多贪婪和可能污垢。大多数人可能不喜欢,但我有点像它,它有点像纽约那样独特的触感。Now it’s all become in a little bit too uniform you know, all the neighborhoods are starting to look the same and ugly building arises and stuff like that but I mean you can see that in any country really, like I’m sure here in Paris they do the same thing you know. But never the less, we like the attitude there, we like the food, our families are there, we’re still happy there. Are we planning to stay there forever? I can’t really answer that question. For now, we’re happy there. MC What has been your favourite place to paint? Which has been the worst? HN The worst? (Laugh) There’s no favorite, there is too many favorites. The worst is when we don’t get to paint, or when people who invite you just don’t have the stuff together and are totally unprofessional and of course I can’t do my job and that’s looks bad on me so… It’s not only a waste of time but also a waste of my money and their money you know. But a favorite place, I don’t know. We like coming to Paris, we like doing projects here, we have lots of friends… I don’t know, it’s hard to say really, we’ve been to a lot of places and have met a lot of great people you know. It’s hard to really pick one place. at some point, it was just pretty much paint by numbers, paint this and copy that Interview HowNOSM IN PARIS 39
