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  • 蒙大拿
  • 艺术家
  • 涂鸦
看到2019年的结束是一件特别令人兴奋的事情。我们蒙大拿罐头的团队不仅对即将到来的事情感到兴奋,而且我们也很高兴有机会向所有的创造者、合作伙伴和支持者表达敬意,他们帮助我们实现了所有的成就。2019年末,我们也意识到,我们刚刚结束了十年,开启了新一代。正因为如此,蒙大拿罐头LOOKBOOK 2020挤满了特别的内容。我们花了一些时间来回顾一些关键的时刻,比如蒙大拿黑人艺术家罐头系列的进展,以民主党和RAGE为特色,这是在洛杉矶喷雾日有史以来最大的蒙大拿罐头标志壁画。我们看了一下Odeith和他对绘画的独特见解,大都会艺术学院的LOW BROS的生活。我们花了一些时间在SOBEKCIS的家里看看这个世界。我们和HOW & NOSM分享了一些文字,当时他们正在为巴黎的13号大道项目创作史诗壁画。像Amber Vittoria和DMOTE这样的艺术家让我们进入他们的工作室,分享他们的一些私人作品。对于更多的雷达下的艺术品,我们以美国TCI机组人员和他们在货运列车上的努力的形式展示了一些钢铁老兵的作品。 While OSMAN flew the European flag for innovative commuter train artwork. And while in Europe (or at least for now still in Europe), we put the magnifying glass on the UK exposing some refreshing approaches to graffiti by VOYDER, 45RPM, and PREF. "Bring The Paint" beeped heavily on the international event radar, bringing world-class graffiti art and muralism together in one space. While far away over the ocean the team at POW! WOW! and the GREETINGS TOUR teams moved from strength to strength making the international art calendar a monumental one. All this and more. With a big THANK YOU we invite you to spend some time and take a look at the Montana-Cans LOOKBOOK 2020. //www.pianorollstuff.com/


德国汉堡以极其创新和高质量的涂鸦而闻名。在火车上和火车下。但在一个创意如此丰富、安保如此严密、竞争更加激烈的城市里,仍有一个名字脱颖而出的空间。这个名字是质量、创新和奉献的代名词,当谈到火车上的艺术和涂鸦时。这个名字就是《狂怒》。自apx. 1998年以来,RAGE或RACHE的名字已经在许多形式的交通中找到了它的方式,在许多移动的表面。对于第18版的蒙大拿黑人艺术家版罐头,这个名字已经找到了另一个主要的移动表面,蒙大拿黑色颜色,黑色9001。随着涂鸦、排版和美术的界限在几乎每一个RAGE创作的艺术作品中变得模糊,他将作为蒙大拿州黑人艺术家版艺术家的特色似乎是唯一合乎逻辑的。因此,黑色的冲击力、精度和清晰度成为RAGE的首选颜色也就不足为奇了。同样要记住的是,黑色是罐头中最具遮盖性的颜色之一,因此在RAGE的无数作品中都有突出的特点。 It got us wondering, what makes RAGE tick? What drives him to create artwork as impressive as it is? Here is what he had to say. 10 Montana BLACK Artist Edition RAGE

蒙大拿-“狂怒”或“Rache”都是非常强烈的词。当你开始写它的时候,你还年轻20多岁。你是否仍然觉得愤怒是你的作品或背景的组成部分?或者它只是你重新创造的字母,作为一个艺术家?我有一个明显的问题,有人或任何人试图限制我,告诉我应该做什么或不应该做什么,我的立场在20年里都没有改变!不幸的是,我总觉得我每天都在受到社会的约束和规范。这发生在所有级别,系统的目的是让你既小又安静。对我来说,涂鸦比任何过时的时尚或什么可笑的青少年混球衡量竞争更有意义。在我看来,涂鸦代表了一种对体制的抗议。因此,我更重视名字或绰号,而不是无关紧要的字母组合。 I have a distinct problem with someone or anyone trying to set me limits or telling me what I should or shouldn’t do MC Not many artists have managed consistency, quality and output on trains like you do. How did you do it? Have you just gotten faster, have you always found new spots to push time barriers or have you had to become a graffiti »MacGyver« to use gadgets and technology to keep you one step ahead? MC The book »The Art of Rage« featuring your artwork may of opened the eyes of the last few graffiti enthusiasts on the globe that didn’t know about you before. Have you noticed any changes in peoples awareness of you or your art since then? Has staying stealth become harder? RAGE I have no idea to be honest. As I prefer to keep my circle small and personal I decided not have a social media presence making it relatively easy to remain anonymous. RAGE I always try to work as professionally as possible. But most of the time, I’m just the guy that requires the most time to finish what I’m doing, I always manage to exhaust the comparatively short time span available to execute my painting. MC The most, if not all of your artwork is based on trains. Obviously there is a lot of preparation and strategy to be good at that. Has this taken it’s toll on you psychologically? To keep your ideas moving in one medium while staying ahead of the law at the same time. Montana BLACK Artist Edition RAGE 11

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