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  • 艺术家
  • 蒙大拿
  • 涂鸦



一夜之间天翻地覆,未来变得如此不确定。在大流行的早期,有如此多的错误信息在那里流动,所以真的很难知道什么是真的或假的,甚至不知道接下来会发生什么,”Wane说。“疫情开始时,一切似乎都很正常;我像往常一样继续工作。但是随着时间的流逝,陆续出现了“. ...”我开始泄气了。我有那么多空闲时间,但同时机会却很少,”里贝斯承认。这位意大利北部的本地人面临着许多人的斗争。随着预防措施和限制措施的增加,个人自由受到了限制。社会互动必须减少;人们被迫呆在家里以停止传播病毒。 As a result, many perceived themselves to be deprived. “I felt trapped as a lot of things couldn’t be achieved,” as Cloak from Malaysia puts it. “Most of my Graffiti tours and spraycations were put to a halt, and there was a lot of uncertainty,” he continues. “To be honest, I wasn’t mentally prepared for the pandemic as well as the lockdown as I’m someone who is outgoing and always loves to create new pieces outdoors.” Almost everybody was confronted with similar problems like isolation and constraint. Over time, not simultaneously, with regional variations, as waves of infections created constant ups and downs. A rising number of cases was usually followed by amplified measures and vice versa, creating a limbo. I had so much free time but at the same time very few opportunities. Ribes 5 Cloakwork taking it back to basics in the black book. The beauty of drawing is you can do it at home and refer to it later. Anywhere, at any time. 6 LAIA dropping a different take on a classic character. This time E.T. with some attitude. 7 RIBES showing that the show must go on. Locked down or not, if you earned a spot in the game you have to maintain it. 8 With less happening on the street, POST using all chances offered to him to get over. Apart from physical wellbeing, also mental health gained importance. A lot of people dealt with fear, uncertainty, and a decline in motivation. “...When I try to remember those two and a half months [referring to the first lockdown], the memories are hazy in my head. Every day was exactly the same, and obviously, I couldn’t paint,” Laia states. “The last wall was kinda weird, saying goodbye to your friends for a while, entering a very dystopic future,” Func adds. “The city [was] in fear. So people were locked in. The streets were kind of deserted. I went about life as I usually do, but with a mask on. Graffiti wise the pandemic brought a lot of people out. People that were already doing their thing started going harder. And people I’ve never seen up in my life started doing bad Graffiti all over the streets. A lot of businesses had to close, so they let the Graffiti run on everything for the most part, so it was like 10 new writers a day were born. Shit kind of took the essence out of it for me,” Post reveals about his experiences as a resident of New York. 8 Montana Cans Lockdown on lock 17

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