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每一个建立在对自己工作的热情和热爱之上的组织,都会发现自己在工作中越来越积极主动。蒙大拿罐头公司也不例外,因为我们努力制造世界上最好的罐头。但这也不是反思所有课外活动的借口,比如合作、节日、项目和艺术家支持,这些活动在一年中也会发生。毕竟这有助于创造历史。《蒙大拿罐头LOOKBOOK》(Montana Cans LOOKBOOK)提供了一个记忆、反思和奖励那些值得得到额外关注的人的渠道,让他们获得更多的聚光灯。我们非常高兴地宣布2019年蒙大拿罐头LOOKBOOK在线发布,回顾2019年的一些亮点。这个版本深入研究了许多项目,如蒙大拿罐限量版罐,特色米娜和布鲁斯(加上采访),菲利佩潘通,大多数和飞行Förtress。我们回忆起与Happy Socks、Good Guy Boris和Reebok运动鞋合作时的情景。我们从艺术家《想象》、《伦敦警察》、《FRAU ISA》、《1010》和《1UP CREW》的特写文章中获得了灵感。让我们来看看一些城市艺术节,比如metropolis ink, POW!鹿特丹和柏林壁画节。 With eyes wide open we scratch under the surface of some alternative disciplines within graffiti culture. The spotlight gets turned on ABSTRACT LETTERING, GRAFFITI ON FREIGHTS and CALLIGRAFFITI. We share some knowledge on the new products like the Montana BLACK INFRA colors and Montana BOLD marker line, which took the industry by storm. Just as the special moment that was the grand opening of the MONTANA STORE VIENNA with our industry partners CONCRETE, did. All this and more over 160 enthralling full color pages.


当我们与蒙大拿州黑色限量版罐系列上的艺术家合作时,我们喜欢知道什么位于艺术性皮肤的表面以下。在艺术家上并不总是可以让污垢,所以当我们设法与Mina和Bruce关于第15版的Montana Black限量版艺术家系列时,我们兴奋的两倍。这有点见解对他们勾选的原因以及项目如何适应他们的艺术实践。蒙大拿犬刚刚发布了有限的黑色艺术家版本,与您的设计。你对你的工作结果感到满意吗?MINA&BRUCE:是的,我们对罐头的结果非常满意!也许你们两个都可以很快介绍 - 你来自哪里,你现在住在哪里?布鲁斯:我最初来自巴黎。我住在德国柏林约5年,我目前在比利时生活和工作。MINA:我的工作室基地在柏林此刻。 I am travelling a lot and living from time to time in different places. Like Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris. Your roots are within classic Graffiti writing. What did Graffiti mean to you in the past and what’s the value nowadays for the development of your art? MINA: Yes, our roots are within classic graffiti writing, which is still very important to us now as it was in the past. For me both within my life and my artistic work. My studio work is inspired by the formal language of my graffiti, but in an abstract way. The energy I feel when I’m painting outdoors is a constant motor and motivator for my studio work. When did you start writing Graffiti? Who did you influence at that time? BRUCE: I started painting graffiti in the mid-nineties when I was a teenager. I recall I was about 15 years old. I used to look at a lot of graffiti pieces around the city. Once, I found out that an older guy from my school was the person painting them. I started talking to him and asked if it was possible to paint with him and how? That’s how it all started. Your paintings are shown in galleries and can be seen in the streets. Do you relate more to your street based work, or work for the gallery context? MINA: I have to admit, I love both. When did you meet Mina for the first time? BRUCE: I met Mina 8 years ago in Paris during an opening event. We got to talking and decided to go painting the day after. What does it mean to you to be printed on a limited edition Montana spray can? MINA: It is a honour for our work to be featured on a limited edition Montana BLACK spray can. At the same time it means an appreciation of our work and a recognition of us as artists. And for me personally, also my contribution to the graffiti culture. You did an Artist Edition of Montana BLACK – which color did you pick and why? BRUCE: I chose the ICE BLUE color, I like pastel colors and it reminds me of Berlin winters. 26

MINA:我选择了“奥林姆”的颜色,因为薄荷的阴影是新鲜的,我最喜欢的高覆盖颜色之一。告诉我们一些关于你的工作的事情。布鲁斯:我开始绘画墙,然后迅速切换到火车多年。过了一会儿,我回去做了墙壁。我开始在街上做更多的轰炸,因为对我来说,它更有趣。我喜欢在街上散步,绘画简单,做快速划伤。我不想在一堵墙前花太久。有时我会加入眼睛,手或脚,这在呕吐和一个角色之间做出了混合。但主要焦点和最重要的是我做得很快,速度快。这我最喜欢。 How would you describe the subject of your designs with your own words? MINA: My design represents the goddess Athena, the most famous greek goddess and one of the twelve olympic deities. She is the goddess of art, wisdom, strategy and war. Not to mention the goddess and namesake of the Greek city of Athens. What does Graffiti mean for you? BRUCE: To me graffiti is a kind of freedom. It’s real freedom. You paint for yourself and for your friends, wherever and whenever you want. It’s also a kind of sport. Some people play football, I like to do graffiti. What’s the importance of spray cans for your paintings and why did you choose to work with lacquer? MINA: Spray cans are my tool of choice and my preferred material to paint outdoors. What do you like about Montana BLACK? BRUCE: You don’t lose any time when you paint. The pressure is high and the coverage is great. That’s perfect for me. If you could pick any spot to paint with your BLACK Artist Edition, where would it be and what would you paint? MINA: I would love to paint the Mina Athena in Athens. What are your plans for the future? MINA & BRUCE: Keep on going, never give up! Thanks guys for the interview! 27
